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Digital intelligence is no longer a set of funky buzz words moving around in the marcomms and technology space. Digital intelligence is a critically required asset to any marketing jigsaw puzzle, for any brand that wants to predictably generate a healthy return on investment from their hard earned marketing dollars.

Our Managing Director James Corby has recently authored an industry leading article in the recently released edition of the TechInvest Magazine. He speaks about the power of digital intelligence for big brands who are actively engaged in influencer related marketing activities – it is a must read!

You can read his full article here called –
Digital intelligence fuel influencer marketing success for big brands

TechInvest is Australia’s most widely distributed technology and innovation magazine. This magazine edition was first released in over 70,000 copies of the Australian Financial Review and released in digital edition online.

We hope you enjoy!

About Kirk O'Connor

Kirk went into the tech sector straight out of school in 1978 - how many of you were even born then? Kirk has worked in hardware, software development, support, sales, product marketing, general management and web marketing without actually mastering any of the above, however, he still keeps on trying - bless him!!!